Bulleyes to Badguys is the area’s premier firearms training group. Bullseyes’ instructors provide firearms safety training in various disciplines to many different organizations, groups, and individuals. Instructors also provide instruction in advanced techniques for those that are ready to go to the next level with their shooting. Click to learn more.

Welcome to Bullseyes To Badguys

Pistol and Tactics Training

Bullseyes to Badguys has become the premier firearms training group in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Bullseyes’ instructors can be seen around the community providing instruction to any shooter willing to increase their skill. Bullseyes has trained shooters from 6 years-olds, like the "Big Shooters" youth club, to members of our armed forces serving around the world, and all ages and demographics in between. Our company slogan is simple: "THIS IS WHERE THE WINNERS TRAIN!" It does not matter if it is a violent confrontation or a simple pistol competition. We all want to win. We train to provide the skills that can win the awards, or possibly save your life. When losing is not an option, this is where you train.
Police gun and equipment. Tactics training pistol concealed carry certified training


Members from Bullseyes are now teaching the Massad Ayoob Group Defensive Rifle or Pistol courses. The rifle course, which instructors from Bullseyes have been teaching since 2015, has been accepted and certified by the MAG organization. This brings national and international recognition to a course that brings the average shooter to a level of proficiency equal to military standards.


We have courses for both beginners and experienced gun users. We have a variety of courses including: NRA Refuse to Be a Victim NRA Basic Rifle NRA Basic Shotgun NRA Personal Protection in the Home; CPL Course National Rifle Association Instructor Training Introduction to Competitive Shooting Massad Ayoob Group, Defensive Rifle Level 1 Click here to view more.
Some links that are helpful for current firearm owners and those who are interested in learning more. Click to learn more about organizations such as: Fighting for gun rights Local shooting ranges Firearms dealers Concealed carry The Massad Ayoob Group






906-396-1119 | tonyerickson26@msn.com | Visit us on
Copyright © 2023 Bullseyes to Badguys


941 S. Carpenter Avenue; Kingsford, MI 49802


Bulleyes to Badguys is the area’s premier firearms training group. Bullseyes’ instructors provide firearms safety training in various disciplines to many different organizations, groups, and individuals. Instructors also provide instruction in advanced techniques for those that are ready to go to the next level with their shooting. Click to learn more.

Welcome to Bullseyes To Badguys

Pistol and Tactics Training

Bullseyes to Badguys has become the premier firearms training group in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Bullseyes’ instructors can be seen around the community providing instruction to any shooter willing to increase their skill. Bullseyes has trained shooters from 6 years-olds, like the "Big Shooters" youth club, to members of our armed forces serving around the world, and all ages and demographics in between. Our company slogan is simple: "THIS IS WHERE THE WINNERS TRAIN!" It does not matter if it is a violent confrontation or a simple pistol competition. We all want to win. We train to provide the skills that can win the awards, or possibly save your life. When losing is not an option, this is where you train.
course personal protection defense basic advanced CPL field day shooting run rights local ranges concealed carry competitive competitions tactical speed reloads precision hunter safety qualified certified defensive live fire NRA home advanced target north


Members from Bullseyes are now teaching the Massad Ayoob Group Defensive Rifle or Pistol courses. The rifle course, which instructors from Bullseyes have been teaching since 2015, has been accepted and certified by the MAG organization. This brings national and international recognition to a course that brings the average shooter to a level of proficiency equal to military standards.


We have courses for both beginners and experienced gun users. We have a variety of courses including: NRA Refuse to Be a Victim NRA Basic Rifle NRA Basic Shotgun NRA Personal Protection in the Home; CPL Course National Rifle Association Instructor Training Introduction to Competitive Shooting Massad Ayoob Group, Defensive Rifle Level 1 Click here to view more.
Some links that are helpful for current firearm owners and those who are interested in learning more. Click to learn more about organizations such as: Fighting for gun rights Local shooting ranges Firearms dealers Concealed carry The Massad Ayoob Group






Copyright © 2023 Bullseyes to Badguys
Firearms guns upper peninsula michigan wisconsin Shotgun AR15 Pistol Revolver Handgun Rifle safety training class course personal protection defense basic advanced CPL field day shooting run rights local ranges concealed carry competitive competitions tac


941 S. Carpenter Avenue; Kingsford, MI 49802